Pre-Medical Careers Club
Pre-Medical Careers Club offers students the opportunity to explore Medical careers
The students members in the PMC club have an opportunity to learn CPR/First Aid. They assist with medical missions that are held throughout the island of Guam. The club offer sessions where we invite speakers from the various medical careers to come in and join us for lunch and talk about their job and any information that they wished they knew in high school. The club encourages students to seek out opportunities to learn more about careers that they are considering by volunteering, discussions, research and then sharing that information with others.
Environmental Club
The Environmental Club seeks to promote awareness and involvement of environmentally-friendly endeavors in our community.
This club is the most pro-active in the school, with daily activities encouraging the betterment of the earth. Students manage a recycling system of plastic, aluminum, metal, newspapers, magazines, glass and cardboard materials for the school. Moreover, the clubs runs a recycling room where papers get sorted to be reused either by the school or Guam’s farming community. On top of this, the club has adopted Happy Landing Road to maintain overgrowth, keep clean of trash, and to filter out recyclables on a monthly basis. They are also involved with island-wide green efforts, including sorting the waste at the annual International Coastal Cleanup.
Newspaper Club
"The Knight" is a student-run newspaper which allows students to try their hand at journalism by finding the most interesting stories at St. John's and reporting it for the benefit of the community.
The St. John's Newspaper Club is a club which gives students a chance to hone their writing skills and try their hand at the world of journalism. Reporters find the most interesting stories happening at St. John's and are each tasked to write an article. Once every quarter, their work is published in The Knight, a newspaper featuring articles ranging from sports to science fairs to even highlights of students' hidden talents. The Knight also included comic book panels and advice columns, where students can send in their problems anonymously through email and receive advice from "Mysterious Mitch" in the newspaper. All articles, photographs, and artistry featured in the newspaper is produced by students, except for the occasional teacher feature. Past issues of The Knight are available online at
Japanese Club
St. John's Japanese Club is aimed towards those who have an interest in Japan. Whether you are learning Japanese, are in love with Japanese culture and society, are part of the Japanese community, or just want to make some new friends, then you will have lots of fun as a Japanese Club member.
Our main fundraiser of the year is Sushi Knight. Every year there is a theme based on Japanese culture or media where Japanese foods are served (i.e. sushi, yakisoba, karaage, gyoza, etc.) Club members can dress up according to the themes and get socially involved in the event by organizing, setting up, and working together to host a successful event.
The money raised is donated to the Japan Red Cross for natural disaster victims. The money also goes to enhance the Japanese classrooms with resources. |
Tri M Music Honor Society
The mission of Tri-M is to recognize students for their academic and music achievements, reward them for their accomplishments and service activities, and to inspire others to excel at music and leadership.
The Tri-M Music Honor Society is the only international music honor society for middle and high school students. Students are nominated to become candidates for membership if they have been enrolled in a school-sponsored music ensemble or class for at least one semester of the current school year. These include the SJS Orchestra, Band, Glee Club and Middle School Chorus. Students must maintain a GPA of at least a “B” average and must also maintain good citizenship and provide proof of volunteer service hours to organizations (musically-oriented and otherwise) outside of SJS.
Students in Tri-M mentor younger music students and participate in service activities at the concerts of organizations such as the Guam Symphony and Chorale. They also organize events for students to participate in such as Knights Got Talent and provide volunteer service to school-wide events, such as fundraising galas and the Christmas and Spring concerts |
Drama Club
The Drama Club offers students who are not part of the drama program to experience theater and contribute to the community through service.
St. John's School Performing Arts program, offered by the Drama department, provides students with the foundation they need to explore a wide range of fundamental theater experiences, journeys into personal frontiers, and most importantly, unforgettable experiences in the performing arts. Students will develop strong skills in acting, theater and creative arts. The drama course offers students to practice some of theater’s foundational skills that every actor needs including practices in pantomime, improvisational training and learning the process behind theater productions. The drama club offers students who are not part of the drama program to experience theater and contribute to the community through service. Furthermore Students will also undergo collaborative performance projects building acting, cooperation, and even creative expression.
The drama department has long been one of the greatest products of the St. John’s Community giving it widespread renown, respect, and lasting recognition. From the Adventures of Robin Hood to, an original production Lights Out. The diversity in productions and the creative outlets they offer clearly make the St.John’s School drama program one of Guam’s greatest and unrivaled forces in the ever-changing world of theater. |
National Junior Honor Society
The purpose of St. John's National Junior Honor Society shall be to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership and to develop character in students.
Membership Selection:
Candidates eligible for consideration must have a 2.00 citizenship average and a minimum cumulative grade average of 90% computed over the number of quarter they have been in St. John's Middle School (grades 6-8). This cumulative percentage will be computed only on grades earned at St. John's and must include grades for two consecutive quarters. Also, A student who may initially qualify based on their cumulative GPA (scholarship), does not mean they will automatically be inducted into the NJHS. To meet the requirements for service and leadership, students are required to be (or have been) involved in a minimum of two schools and one non-school organization (or on-going activities), and to have held at least one leadership position (officer, committee chairperson, or team captain). Leadership may also be recognized outside of elected offices. If an office is held outside of school, verification from an adult supervisor is required. Students are to be advised of the purpose of the form and are not require to complete it if they do not desire membership. A list of candidates will be given to the faculty who will rate them on qualities of character, including integrity, cooperation, cooperation, courtesy, industry, determination, and concern for others. The administration will review the list of candidates and may comment critically if a student has a record of behavior problems in the school or community. The advisor collects, reviews the forms and completes a summary form from each student on the list. The advisor then presents the gathered information to the faculty council who determines who is invited to membership. Final approval is by the Headmaster. The St. John's Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society shall be under the sponsorship and supervision of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and shall conform to the national constitution of the National Junior Honor Society of Secondary Schools |
National Honor Society
The St. John’s Chapter of National Honor Society is duly chartered under the sponsorship and supervision of the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) and conforms to the national constitution of the National Honor Society of Secondary Schools. Membership is open to those students who meet the required standards in four areas of evaluation: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Standards for selection are established by the national office of NHS and have been revised to meet our local chapter needs.
Candidates eligible for consideration must have a 2.00 citizenship average and a minimum cumulative grade point average of 90% computed over the number of quarters they have been in St. John’s Upper School (grades 9-12). The cumulative G.P.A will be computed only on grades earned at St. John’s and must include grades for two consecutive quarters. All students who qualify on the basis of academic and citizenship averages are placed on a consideration list by the Headmaster. A form on which they specify their extracurricular activities will be distributed to all students on the list. Students are advised of the purpose of the form and are not required to complete it if they do not desire membership. |