Recycling at St. John's School
The Environmental & Recycling Club at St. John's School is very active and we encourage everyone to take part.
Here are some helpful hints if you would like to get involved:
Here are some helpful hints if you would like to get involved:
- Aluminum cans should be emptied. Ideally they should be rinsed out.
- Aluminum cans should not be crushed.
- Bags of aluminum can be placed outside the aluminum bin located near the swimming pool. Please do not place bags of aluminum in the bin. Students will take care of placing aluminum cans in the bin.
- Only aluminum cans should end up in the aluminum bin. No plastic, steel, glass, trash, etc.
- If a can does not bend when squeezed, it is not aluminum (e.g. Mr. Brown, pet food, food cans, etc), but we will accept these.
- Tin or metal cans may be placed in the area between the library (LRC) and the Chapel.
- We accept all newspapers, which get bundled and taken to a farmer periodically for use in mulching.
- Newspaper can be placed in any of the bins outside of the Teachers' Lounge.
- We now have a source that will accept magazines for recycling.
- Magazines can be placed in any of the bins outside the Teachers' Lounge.
- White or colored paper that is blank on one side, without confidential material on the printed side, is re-used by our students.
- White or colored paper printed on both sides gets shredded. The shredded white paper goes to a farmer to use in mulching. The shredded color paper goes to the dump, but since it is shredded, it will decompose more quickly.
- Paper may be placed in any of the bins outside the Teachers' Lounge.
- We will accept phonebooks of any size, year or country.
- Phonebooks can be placed in any of the bins outside the Teachers' Lounge.
- We will accept all glass, except florescent light bulbs.
- Glass may be placed in the area between the Library (LRC) and the Chapel.
There is one area where almost everything can be taken. On the first floor level of the Upper School, in the Vicar’s parking garage, are bins for cans, plastic, glass and cardboard. The Recycling Room is close by, and you can place paper, magazines, newspapers and phonebooks there.
We thank all in advance for your efforts to reduce, reuse and recycle. We are open to suggestions for doing more.
Please contact Mr. Pearson ([email protected]) if you have any ideas.
The Environmental/Recycling Club’s theme this year (and every year) is ...
Please contact Mr. Pearson ([email protected]) if you have any ideas.
The Environmental/Recycling Club’s theme this year (and every year) is ...